- Any live cell with two or three live neighbors survives.
- Any dead cell with three live neighbors becomes a live cell.
- All other live cells die in the next generation. Similarly, all other dead cells stay dead.
- Draw: use your mouse to draw cells.
- Fill: press 'f' to fill a square. Press 'w' to make it a rectangle. Keep pressing to get different sizes.
- Clean: press 'c' to clean the grid.
- Acorn: press 'a' to draw an acorn.
- Glider: press 'g' to draw a glider.
- Fisher hook: press 'h' to draw a fisher hook with 2 gliders.
- R-Pentamino: press 'r' to draw an R-pentomino.
- Grid Size: you can set the gridSize as an URL query parameter (e.g, gridSize=50).
- Run: press '1' through '9' to run updates on loop, with increasing speed.
- Stop: press 'Esc' to stop the loop.
- Update: press 'Enter' to run one update cycle.